

The aggregator component collects information from other ccm components.


Component preparation

You first have to specify information that can be aggregated on a ccm component. This can be done inside the configuration.

  "aggregatable": [ "topics", "vocabulary" ],
  "topics": [ "math", "arithmetic" ],
  "vocabulary": [ "addition", "subtraction", "multiplication", "division" ]

The key aggregatable specifies, inside an array of strings, all keys that should be aggregated from this configuration. Aggregatable fields have to be of type Array<string>.

Aggregating information

To use the component create an instance of it inside a ccm component and specify configuration files as source for the information.

  "aggregator": [ "ccm.instance", "ccm.aggregator.js",
      "source": [
        [ "ccm.get", "configs.js", "quiz" ],
        [ "ccm.get", "configs.js", "cloze" ],
        [ "ccm.get", "configs.js", "slidecast" ]

You can now call aggregate on the instance to collect the information.

const aggregatedInformation = self.aggregator.aggregate();
console.log('Aggregated:', aggregatedInformation);


The aggregator can be configured either when creating the instance or when calling the aggregate function.

Key Type Default Description
log Boolean false In addition to returning the aggregated information, the function will also log it to the console.
allowDuplicates Boolean false Duplicate values will appear as often and in the order they are found.
aggregatable Array<string> undefined Overrides the aggregatable array inside of configurations.


  log: true,
  allowDuplicates: true,
  aggregatable: ["topics", "vocabulary"]


A demo is provided here. This demo shows, how the aggregator component can be used inside of another component.